사바타이 제비
사바타이 제비(히브리어: שַׁבְּתַי צְבִי, 튀르키예어: Sabetay Sevi: 1626년 8월 1일-1676년 9월 17일[1])는 오스만 제국 스미르나 출신의 세파르딤 랍비,[2][3] 카발리스트였다.[4] 그는 자칭 메시아였으며, 사바타이파의 창시자였다. 그 추종자들을 된메라고 했다.[5]
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편집- ↑ Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah: 1626–1676, pp. 103–106 has a whole discussion of the historical probabilities that he was really born on the 9th of Av, which according to Jewish tradition is the date of the destruction of both Temples and is also the date 'prescribed' in some traditions for the birth of the Messiah.
- ↑ Scholem, op. cit., p. 111, mentions, among other evidence of Sabbatai's early rabbinic training and smicha by Rabbi Joseph Eskapha of his native town of Smyrna: "According to the testimony of Leib b. Ozer, the notary of the notary of the Ashkenazi community of Amesterdam ..., Sabbatai was eighteen years old when he was ordained a hakham." Scholem also writes, in the previous sentence: "Thomas Coenen, the Protestant minister serving the Dutch congregation in Smyrna, tells us ... that he received the title hakham, the Sephardi honorific for a rabbi, when still an adolescent."
- ↑ Wigoder, Geoffrey (1972). 《Jewish Art and Civilization》. 44쪽.
- ↑ Goldish, M. Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early Modern Period, esp. p. Introduction XXXI, 2008 (The author describes him as a Romaniote Jew)
- ↑ Rifa N. Bali (2008), pp. 91-92
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