
v  d  e  hClickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries[1]
blue = states in both Europe and Asia;
green = sometimes included within Europe but geographically outside Europe's boundaries
European regions according to UN [2][3]

The World Factbook에 따른 구분

The World Factbook에 따른 구분
Regional grouping according to The World Factbook
v  d  e  hClickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries[4]
blue = states in both Europe and Asia;
green = sometimes included within Europe but geographically outside Europe's boundaries

UN 통계국에 따른 유럽의 구분

UN 통계국에 따른 유럽의 구분
Regions used for statistical processing purposes by the United Nations Statistics Division (Western Europe marked light blue):
  Western Europe
v  d  e  hClickable map of Europe, showing one of the most commonly used geographical boundaries[5]
blue = states in both Europe and Asia;
green = sometimes included within Europe but geographically outside Europe's boundaries
Pre-1989 division between the "West" (grey) and "Eastern Bloc" (orange) superimposed on current borders: Russia (dark orange), other countries formerly part of the USSR (medium orange), members of the Warsaw pact (light orange), and other former Communist regimes not aligned with Moscow (lightest orange).
The European floristic regions

유럽의 지역 구분

The World Factbook에 따른 구분
UN 통계국에 따른 유럽의 구분
서유럽 연합
  준 회원국
  준 가맹국
유럽의 지형도

유럽의 지역 구분은 매우 다양해서, 모두가 동의할만한 공통 의견을 찾기 쉽지 않다. 정확한 정의는 존재하지 않지만, 다음은 일반적으로 통용되는 분류이다.









  건지 섬



때때로   크로아티아  루마니아가 포함되기도 한다.

서유럽(Western Europe)

Regions used for statistical processing purposes by the United Nations Statistics Division (Western Europe marked light blue):
  Western Europe
Western Europe as defined by the National Geographic Society.[6]

중앙유럽(Central Europe)

Regions used for statistical processing purposes by the United Nations Statistics Division (Western Europe marked light blue):
  Western Europe
Central European states and historic lands at times associated with the region

동유럽(Eastern Europe)

Regions used for statistical processing purposes by the United Nations Statistics Division (Western Europe marked light blue):
  Western Europe
Members of specific Divisions of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names[7]:
  Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia Division
  East Central and South-East Europe Division
CIA World Factbook
  Eastern Europe
  Southeastern Europe
Pre-1989 division between the "West" (grey) and "Eastern Bloc" (orange) superimposed on current borders: Russia (dark orange), other countries formerly part of the USSR (medium orange), members of the Warsaw pact (light orange), and other former Communist regimes not aligned with Moscow (lightest orange).

참고 문헌

  1. The map shows one of the most commonly accepted delineations of the geographical boundaries of Europe, as used by National Geographic and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the CIA World Factbook or that of the BBC.
  2. “European regions by the UN”. Permanent comittee on geographical names. 
  3. “Subdivision of Europe” (PDF). United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. 
  4. The map shows one of the most commonly accepted delineations of the geographical boundaries of Europe, as used by National Geographic and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the CIA World Factbook or that of the BBC.
  5. The map shows one of the most commonly accepted delineations of the geographical boundaries of Europe, as used by National Geographic and Encyclopaedia Britannica. Whether countries are considered in Europe or Asia can vary in sources, for example in the classification of the CIA World Factbook or that of the BBC.
  6. “Western Europe”. 《National Geographic Society》. NationalGeographic.com. 2009. 2009년 9월 28일에 확인함. 
  7. United Nations Statistics Division - Geographical Names and Information Systems