번호: 150 | 타입: 에스퍼 | 진화전: 없음 | 진화후: 메가뮤츠X, 메가뮤츠Y (메가진화) |
뮤츠 ミュウツー | |
《포켓몬스터 시리즈》의 등장인물 | |
첫 등장 | 포켓몬스터 적녹 |
마지막 등장 | 포켓문스터 썬·문 |
디자이너 | 스기모리 켄 |
배우 | 이치무라 마사치카 (대난투 스매시브라더스 DX) 모리쿠보 쇼타로 (유년기, 뮤츠! 나는 여기에 있다) 타카시마 레이코 (신의 속도 게노세크트 뮤츠의 각성) 타키모토 후지코 (유년기, 뮤츠의 탄생) 후지와라 케이지 (대난투 스매시브라더스 for 닌텐도 3DS/Wii U)[1] |
정보 |
뮤츠 | |
영어 이름 | Mewtwo |
진화 전 | 없음 |
진화 후 | 없음 |
세대 | 제1세대 |
분류 | 씨앗 포켓몬 |
타입 | 에스퍼 |
키 | 2.01 m |
몸무게 | 4.0 kg |
특성 | 싱크로 |
《뮤츠》(일본어: ミュウツー, 영어: Mewtwo)는 닌텐도와 게임 프리크가 함께 만든 포켓몬스터 시리즈의 캐릭터 중 하나이다. 스기모리 켄에 의해 만들어진 이 캐릭터는, 시리즈 첫 작품인『포켓몬스터 적·녹』에서 처음 공개돼 이 후 여러 상품, 포켓몬스터의 애니메이션은 물론 그 후속작에서도 등장하게 된다.
이치무라 마사치카가 뮤츠의 첫 일어 성우였고, 어린 뮤츠의 목소리는 타키모토 후지코, 모리쿠보 쇼타로가 녹음했다. 영어권에서는, 제이 고드가 필립 바트렛[2]이라는 필명으로 『뮤츠의 역습』과 『포켓몬 라이브!』의 성우로 활동했으며, 후속작인 『뮤츠! 나는 여기에 있다』 는 댄 그린이 성우를 맡았다.[3][4] 이례적으로,『신의 속도 게노세크트 뮤츠의 각성』은 여성 성우인 타카시마 레이코가 녹음하였다.
『포켓몬스터 적·녹』 게임 내에서는, 플레이어가 뮤츠를 다른 포켓몬과 싸우게 하기 위해 포획하거나 잡을 수 있다. 플레이어는『적·녹』플레이 후반에 홍련섬의 폐허가 된 연구실에서 보고서를 읽는 것으로 뮤츠의 존재를 처음으로 알게 된다. 그 보고서에는 한 과학자가 뮤의 유전자 조작을 수년 동안 연구해 왔음이 드러나 있었다. 뮤츠는 갇혀 있기에는 너무 강하다는 것을 입증하고 결국 자유롭게 풀려난다.
뮤츠가 포켓몬스터 시리즈의 가장 강력한 캐릭터 중 하나로 인정받게 되면서, 플레이어들은 뮤츠에 대항할 수 있는 전략을 찾지 않을 수 없게 되었고, 이로 인해 게임에 대한 접근 방식을 바꾸어 놓았다. 여러 조사 결과, 뮤츠는 뮤와는 달리 남자 아이들 사이에서 더 인기 있는 것으로 나타났다. 애니메이션에 등장한 뮤츠에 대해, 데일리 레코드지는 그저 전형적인 악역 포켓몬이라고 평가하였으나, 미국의 애니메이션 사이트 Animerica나 Sight&Sound 는 뮤츠의 설정을 긍정적으로 평가했다.
{{nihongo|Mewtwo|ミュウツー|Myutsū|lead=yes}} (/ˈmjuːtuː/ or /mjuːˈtuː/) is a fictional creature from Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon media franchise. Created by Ken Sugimori, it first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue and their sequels, and later appeared in various merchandise, spinoff titles, as well as animation adaptations of the franchise. Masachika Ichimura voiced the franchise's original Mewtwo character in Japanese, and the creature's younger self is voiced by Fujiko Takimoto in the Sound Picture Box: Mewtwo's Origin CD drama and Showtaro Morikubo in the anime adaptation. In English, Jay Goede voiced Mewtwo in Mewtwo Strikes Back and the Pokémon Live! musical. For the former production, he was credited under the pseudonym "Philip Bartlett". Dan Green provided the voice in Mewtwo Returns. Actress Reiko Takashima voices a separate Mewtwo character in the prequel special Mewtwo: Prologue to Awakening and the film ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens; this second Mewtwo is voiced by actress Miriam Pultro in the English dub.In the video games, the player can fight and capture Mewtwo to pit it against other Pokémon. The player first learns of Mewtwo late in Pokémon Red and Blue by reading research documents left in a ruined laboratory on Cinnabar Island.Regarded as one of the series' strongest Pokémon, it changed the way players approached the games by forcing them to find ways to counteract those using Mewtwo. Studies found the character popular with older male children, which contrasted with its counterpart and genetic source material, Mew. Reactions to Mewtwo's first anime portrayal have been divided; reviewers such as Daily Record cited it as a cliché villain, while others such as Animerica and Sight & Sound praised the character's depth.
디자인과 특징
편집뮤츠는 포켓몬스터 1세대의『포켓몬스터 적·녹』(일본어: ポケットモンスター 赤・緑)에 처음 등장하여[5], 일본의 비디오 게임 디자이너 스기모리 켄에 의해 디자인 되었다. 뮤츠의 이름은 '두번째 뮤'[6]를 뜻하며. 뮤의 유전공학적 복제물로 유도된다. 첫 포켓몬스터 영화 '뮤츠의 역습'이 미국에서 개봉되기 전까지, 일본 자료에서는 뮤츠를 복제물을 뜻하는 단어 '클론 (clone)'으로 거의 부르지 않았는데, 영화 『뮤츠의 역습』 책임 프로듀서 마사카주 쿠보가 무서운 느낌을 줄 수 있는 클론이라는 용어를 피해서 썼기 때문이었다.[7] 뮤츠는, 뮤를 복제하여 탄생하였음에도 불구하고, 게임 프리크의 프로그래머 모리모토 시게키에 의해 비밀리에 삽입되어 포켓몬 전국도감에서 뮤보다 앞선 번호를 가지게 된다.[8] 닌텐도사의 회장 이시하라 쓰네카즈는 인터뷰에서 북미 플레이어들이 파워풀한 포켓몬들을 선호한다는 점을 들어 인기가 많을 것으로 기대하고 있다는 언급을 하기도 하였다.[9]
뮤츠의 외양은 포켓몬 뮤와 매우 다르다.[10] 뮤츠는 고양이과의 큰 직립보행동물으로, 선명한 보라색의 꼬리와 복부를 제외한 몸의 대부분이 흰색이며 머리와 등은 두꺼운 근육으로 연결되어 있다. 뮤츠는, 고양이와 다람쥐, 캥거루를 조합한 모습[11]이며, 201cm[12]에 달하는 거구이다.『포켓몬스터 적·녹』에서는 뮤츠를 '가장 강한 포켓몬'으로 취급하고 있다.[12] 뮤츠는 에스퍼 타입으로, 염동력으로 비행[13]하며 텔레파시로 대화한다.[14] 대전 시, 고유한 특성을 이용하여 자신을 보호하거나, 스피드의 부족을 보완하기 위하여 상대를 던져버리기도 한다.[15] 평상시에는, 필요할 때까지 에너지를 저장해 놓으며, 재생력이 있어 치명상에 가까운 상처로부터도 빠르게 회복할 수 있다.[16]
Japanese video game designer Ken Sugimori designed Mewtwo for the first generation of Pocket Monsters games, Red and Green, known outside Japan as Pokémon Red and Blue. Its name, which means the "second of Mew", derives from its existence as a genetic duplicate of the original Mew. Until the first Pokémon movie was released in the United States, Mewtwo was rarely referred to as a "clone" in Japanese sources. Kubo Masakazu, executive producer of Mewtwo Strikes Back, explained that they "intentionally avoid using the term 'kuron' [clone]… because the word has a frightening feel". Despite being Mew's descendant, Mewtwo directly precedes Mew in the game's numerical Pokémon index owing to the latter's secret inclusion by Game Freak programmer Shigeki Morimoto. During an interview, Pokémon Company president Tsunekazu Ishihara stated that Mewtwo was expected to be popular with North American audiences, citing their preference for strong, powerful characters.Despite being Mew's clone, Mewtwo's appearance is very different in comparison. It appears as a bipedal feline that is 6 피트 7 인치 (201 cm) tall and has a white body with a pronounced purple tail and stomach, purple pupils, bulbous fingertips, feline head, and a mass of flesh that connects from the center of its back to its head behind its neck. Its appearance has been likened to "an oversized cross of cat, squirrel and kangaroo". In the original games, Mewtwo is intended to be "the strongest Pokémon ever". As a result of being cloned from a sample of Mew's DNA, Mewtwo is an extremely powerful psychic, yet its abilities surpass Mew's due to intentional alterations to the genetic source material it was cloned from. As such, it can use telekinesis for flight, to shield itself or to powerfully throw opponents aside. In addition, it is among the very few Pokémon capable of human speech, which it does so via telepathy. Otherwise, it conserves its energy until needed. In addition to its psychic abilities, Mewtwo can regenerate, which allows it to quickly recover from near-fatal injuries. Despite being Mew's clone, Mewtwo does not share its ability to learn every single move within the games.
게임 속에서, 뮤츠의 외양은 뮤와 뚜렷하게 다르며, 뮤로부터 복제된 유전물질이 변화되어 뮤의 능력을 뛰어넘게 되었다. 또한 이는 뮤츠가 자신의 힘을 입증하는 데에만 일차적으로 관심을 가지는[17][18] 악당적인 면모[19]가 발달하는 계기가 되었다. 포켓몬스터의 애니메이션에서도 많이 등장하였는데, 뮤츠는 애니메이션에서 남성의 목소리로 텔레파시를 통해 대화하며 자신이 어떻게 탄생했는지에 대해 알고 있으면서도, 자신의 존재에 대해 적극적으로 의문을 던짐으로서 뮤츠의 캐릭터를 보다 명확하게 설정했다.[20]
As a character in the games, Mewtwo's physical appearance is not its only stark divergence from Mew. While / the alterations - to the genetic source material {-it was cloned} / resulted in / {its abilities-} surpassing Mew's, / it also resulted in Mewtwo {-developing a vicious personality} {that is primarily interested in {-proving its own strength.}} The franchise's non-video game media, particularly the anime, has expanded upon the character. In the most notable instance, Mewtwo telepathically speaks with a male voice and, while it is aware of why it was created, it still actively questions its own existence.
편집비디오 게임
편집『포켓몬스터 적·녹』에서 플레이어는 홍련섬의 포켓몬 맨션에 남겨진 보고서를 읽게 되면서, 뮤츠의 존재를 처음으로 파악한다. 그 보고서에는, 홍련섬의 과학자가 가이아나의 정글 속에서 새로운 포켓몬을 발견해 그 포켓몬의 이름을 뮤라고 지었으며, 뮤츠라는 생명체를 낳았다고 적혀 있었다. 그러나, 뮤츠가 수년간 한 과학자에 의해 끔찍한 유전자 접합과 DNA 조작 실험을 당하면서, 새로운 존재로 재탄생하게 된다.[10][21] 뮤츠는 자신을 통제하기에는 너무 강력함을 입증하고, 실험실을 파괴한 후 탈출한다. 플레이어는 나중에 Cerulean cave에서 관동리그의 사천왕과 블루에게 승리한 후[22], 뮤츠를 잡을 수 있다. 『포켓몬스터 적·녹』의 리메이크 『포켓몬스터 파이어레드·리프그린』에서는 뮤츠를 잡기 위한 Cerulean cave에 들어 가기 위해서는 더욱 철저한 모험이 필요한데, 최소 60종 이상의 포켓몬의 정보가 포켓몬 도감에 기록되어 있어야 한다.[23] 뮤츠는 『포켓몬스터 하트골드·소울실버』에서도 관동리그 사천왕에 승리한 뒤 같은 장소에서 잡을 수 있다. 『포켓몬스터 블랙·화이트』에서는 직접적으로 등장하지는 않으나, 게임의 프로모션 차원으로 일정 기간 동안 인터넷을 통해 다운로드 할 수 있었다.[24]『포켓몬스터 X·Y』에서 메인 스토리를 클리어 한 이후 등장하며, 해당 게임에서 최초로 메가뮤츠X와 메가뮤츠Y의 메가진화 형태가 공개되었다.[25][26]
In Pokémon Red and Blue, the player learns of Mewtwo's existence by reading research notes left in the ruined Pokémon Mansion on Cinnabar Island. The notes say that the island's scientists discovered a new Pokémon in a Guyana jungle, that they christened it Mew, and that it later gave birth to a creature they called Mewtwo; the game's Pokédex entry states that Mewtwo was "created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments". Mewtwo proved too mighty to control, destroying the laboratory and escaping. The player is later given an opportunity to capture Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave, which is accessible only after defeating the game's final bosses, the Elite Four and Blue; in the remakes Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen this prerequisite was expanded, requiring the player to explore more thoroughly and record information on sixty Pokémon species before access to the cave would be granted. Mewtwo is catchable in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver in the same location as before after defeating all of the gym leaders in Kanto. The character was also the focus of a promotion and downloadable content giveaway for Pokémon Black and White. Mewtwo also reappears in Pokémon X and Y after completing the main story, and is one of the handful of Pokémon capable of using the new Mega Evolution mechanic, as it can become either Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y.
첫 등장 이래로, 뮤츠는 여러 닌텐도 게임에 출현해 왔다.『포켓몬 스타디움』과 『포켓몬 핀볼』에서는, 모든 미션이 완료된 후에야 등장하는 최종보스로 등장하지만[27][28], 『포켓몬 퍼즐 리그』에서는 최종적인 대전 상대로 나타날 뿐만 아니라, 게임 이벤트의 악역으로도 출현하게 된다.[29] 뮤츠는, 『대난투 스매시브라더스 DX』나 『포켓몬 불가사의 던전』시리즈에서는 게임 내에서 쓰려트려야만 잠금이 해제되는 캐릭터인 반면[30][31] 포켓몬 스냅같은 게임에서는 특정 조건이 만족되면 나타나는 카메오 캐릭터이다.[32][3] 『대난투 스매시브라더스 X』에는 나오지 않았으나 2015년 4월 15일부터 『슈퍼 스매시브라더스 for 닌텐도 3DS/Wii U』에는 인터넷으로 다운로드가 가능해졌다. 해당 게임에서 뮤츠는 메가뮤츠Y, 메가뮤츠X로 메가진화할 수 있으며, 필살기로 기술 '사이코브레이크'[33]를 사용한다. 『Pokken Tournament』와 이의 DX버전에서는 새로운 형태의 뮤츠인 섀도뮤츠가 보스 캐릭터로 등장한다. 오리지널 뮤츠 또한 플레이어블 캐릭터로 등장한다.[34][35]
Since its debut, Mewtwo has appeared in other Nintendo games. In Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Pinball, Mewtwo appears as a final boss after all competitions have been completed. In Pokémon Puzzle League, Mewtwo serves not only as the final opponent, but also as the main antagonist responsible for the game's events. Other games, such as Super Smash Bros. Melee and the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, have featured Mewtwo as an unlockable player character that must be defeated before it may be used, while others like Pokémon Snap have featured the character in cameos, appearing once certain conditions have been met. For all appearances in which the character has spoken dialogue, Mewtwo is voiced by Masachika Ichimura, with the exception of Pokémon Puzzle League, where it is voiced by Philip Bartlett, and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, where it is voiced by Keiji Fujiwara. After failing to make a playable appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mewtwo returned to the series as a DLC character in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U on April 28, 2015, though it was made available to Club Nintendo members who registered both versions on April 15, 2015. In 3DS/Wii U, its Final Smash involves it Mega Evolving into Mega Mewtwo Y and using Psystrike, its signature move in the Pokémon games. A new form of Mewtwo, Shadow Mewtwo, appears as a boss character in Pokkén Tournament and has a special attack that involves it Mega Evolving into Mega Mewtwo X. The traditional Mewtwo appears as a playable character as well.
애니메이션과 관련 매체
편집뮤츠는 포켓몬스터 시리즈의 첫번째 극장판인 뮤츠의 역습의 주 악역으로 등장하는데, 범죄 조직인 로켓단의 피조물로서 나타난다. 뮤츠가 자신이 창조된 연구소를 파괴한 이후, 로켓단의 최고간부 비주기는 뮤츠에게 강한 힘을 조절할 수 있도록 해주겠다고 설득하게 된다. 이후 비주기는 뮤츠를 무기로서 사용하게 된다. 비주기로부터 간신히 탈출한 뮤츠는 Mewtwo is featured in the film Pokémon: The First Movie as the main antagonist, in which it is shown to be the creation of the criminal organization Team Rocket. After Mewtwo destroys the laboratory where it was born, Team Rocket's leader, Giovanni, convinces he can help it control its powers. He instead uses Mewtwo as a weapon. After escaping Giovanni, Mewtwo questions its reason for existence and declares revenge on its creators. To this end, it lures several Pokémon trainers, among them protagonist Ash Ketchum, to its island in order to clone their Pokémon. Once it does so, Mewtwo forces the originals to battle the clones in an effort to determine which set is superior, while Mewtwo faces its own original, Mew. Ash sacrifices himself to stop the fighting, though he is later revived. Mewtwo, Mew, and the clones then leave to find a sanctuary, striking memory of the events from those gathered.[36] In localizing the film for English-language audiences, Mewtwo's personality became more arrogant and megalomaniacal; localization director Norman Grossfield ruled the changes necessary, as he believed American audiences needed a "clearly evil" rather than ambiguous villain.[37] In the film, Mewtwo is voiced by Philip Bartlett in English, and by Ichimura in Japanese.[3] In this film, Mewtwo displayed unique abilities and powers unseen in other Pokémon, such as blocking all Pokémon moves in his arena when the clones face off against the originals.
In September 1999, Nintendo published Sound Picture Box Mewtwo, which included The Birth of Mewtwo: Pokémon Radio Drama, a CD drama that expands upon Mewtwo's origins. Created by scientist Dr. Fuji, Mewtwo is one of several cloning attempts, which also include a clone of Fuji's deceased daughter. The young Mewtwo befriends her, communicating telepathically; however the cloning process proves unstable, and she dies. To save the traumatized Mewtwo, Fuji erases its memories and puts it under sedation until its body finishes developing, leading to the events of the film. The CD drama was later adapted into a short anime, and was included with Japanese home releases and broadcasts of Mewtwo Strikes Back and later in North America in December 2001 as part of Mewtwo Returns. Mewtwo as a child is voiced in Japanese by Fujiko Takimoto for the CD drama and Showtaro Morikubo for the anime, while in the English localization the voice actor is uncredited.[36][38][39]
In December 2000, the film was followed by a sequel, Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns, which was broadcast on Japanese television in December 2000 and released worldwide on home video and DVD in 2001. Voiced by Dan Green in English with Ichimura reprising the role in Japanese, Mewtwo and the clones have since found peace in another region. However, Giovanni, whose memories were left intact after the first film, locates and pursues Mewtwo. Assisted by Ash and his companions, Mewtwo comes to terms with its existence and defeats Giovanni, removing any memory of itself from his and his soldiers' minds, while leaving the others unaffected. As everyone departs, Mewtwo sets out on its own.[38]
Mewtwo also appears in the musical Pokémon Live!, a live action adaptation of the anime set after Pokémon: The First Movie, and is portrayed by Marton Fulop. In it, Mewtwo faces a robotic replica of itself, MechaMew2, created by Giovanni and able to learn any attacks used against it. However, after learning compassion from Mewtwo, the machine rebels and self-destructs.[40] The 2006 television special Pokémon: The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon features a hologram version of Mewtwo, created and controlled by the story's antagonist Dr. Yung. With help from a hologram Mew, Ash and his companions destroy the Mewtwo hologram and defeat Yung.[41]
Another Mewtwo appears in the anime special Mewtwo: Prologue to Awakening and the film Genesect and the Legend Awakened, voiced by the actress Reiko Takashima, to protect Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Eric from the rampaging Genesect army. This Mewtwo is able to Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo Y, referred to in the film as Mewtwo's
A Mewtwo, which was created by Mr. Fuji, appears in the anime miniseries Pokémon Origins, which is generally based on the plot of the video games Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.[43] As such, Red goes to Cerulean Cave, and uses the Mega Evolution mechanic introduced in Pokémon X and Y to Mega Evolve his Charizard for the fight with Mewtwo, whom Red captures.
만화와 서적
편집Mewtwo has appeared as a central character in several books related to the Pokémon franchise, including novelizations of Mewtwo Strikes Back and Mewtwo Returns, both of which closely follow the events of the films.[44][45][46] In December 1999, Viz Media published the children's picture book I'm Not Pikachu!: Pokémon Tales Movie Special, which featured children taking on traits of the characters from the film, including Mewtwo.[47] In May 2001, Viz released a second children's book, Mewtwo's Watching You!, which featured a shy Mewtwo interestedly watching other Pokémon play.[48]
In the manga series Pokémon Adventures, Team Rocket creates Mewtwo, but some of his DNA is placed inside of the Gym leader Blaine. Because of the DNA that they share, the two are unable to be separated for very long without becoming ill.[49] Later, another Pokémon, Entei is able to break the bond between the two by removing the DNA in Blaine's arm, at which point Mewtwo leaves. It eventually helps the main character of the series, Red, fight against Team Rocket leader Giovanni and his Deoxys.[50]
In 1998, Toshihiro Ono was asked to write a story detailing Mewtwo's origin to coincide with the release of Mewtwo Strikes Back.[51] The 52-page comic, presented in the form of a flashback,[52] was replaced midway by "The Birth of Mewtwo" animated short, resulting in little connection between Ono's work and the film.[51] Regardless, it saw print as a side story for Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu in the July 1998 issue of CoroCoro Comic. In it, Mewtwo's creator Dr. Fuji takes on the role of a coach for the fully developed Pokémon, while his employer, Team Rocket, tests its abilities. Learning of a plan to mass-produce it as a weapon, Fuji approaches Mewtwo and tells it to destroy the lab and Fuji himself. Mewtwo refuses, stating it cannot harm the doctor, who it regards as its father. Once captured by Team Rocket, Fuji tells Mewtwo that he is honored by the statement, and is then killed. Angered by his death, Mewtwo destroys the lab and escapes. In the present, Mewtwo cries in its sleep as it dreams of the events.[52]
평가와 영향
편집In the games, Mewtwo is consistently noted as being one of the strongest opponents, and has been described in Pokémon Red and Blue as being "the best Pokémon in the game",[53][54] as well as "one of the rarest — and hardest to catch".[55] Because of the character's multiple strengths and few weaknesses, it changed how players approached playing against each other, causing players to either develop strategies solely to defeat an opposing Mewtwo,[56][57][58] or prohibit its use when battling other players.[59] IGN's staff bemoaned its exclusion from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.[60] A poll by IGN on whether the character was missed by others in Brawl shared a similar sentiment,[61] though they also described it as one of Super Smash Bros. Melee's weakest characters.[30] Professional Super Smash Bros. player Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman takes his handle from Mewtwo, although he uses other characters in competition.[62] Authors Tracey West and Katherine Noll called Mewtwo the fifth best Legendary Pokémon and the sixth best Pokémon overall.[63]
The book Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon noted Mewtwo as popular with older male children who tend to be drawn to "tough or scary" characters; Mew in contrast was described as a polar opposite, a character popular with young girls who tend to be drawn to "cute" characters.[64] Others books, such as Media and the Make-believe Worlds of Children, have noted a similar comparison, citing Mewtwo as "more aggressive-looking" compared to Mew and emphasizing the importance of the contrast for children.[65] The book Gaming Cultures and Place in Asia-Pacific compares Sugimori's design of Mewtwo to that of Japanese tokusatsu films, namely monster films like the 1954 Godzilla in creating "monstrous yet familiar silhouettes from the past renewed agency in the form of eyes and expressions which cut through the viewer".[59]
In reception to extended media for the Pokémon franchise, Mewtwo has been likened to Frankenstein's monster as a being born from artificial means and discontent with the fact.[66][67] Theology Secretary for the Church of England Anne Richards described Mewtwo as representing a "parable about the pointlessness of force", and praised the character for displaying the Christian value of redemption.[68] Other reactions have been mixed. While it has been cited as a "complex and compelling villain" by some critics,[69] its goal of world domination was received as a trait shared by "…every anime villain…",[66] and likened to a James Bond villain by Daily Record.[70] However, Animerica praised Mewtwo as a character with "philosophical depth" as well as for serving as "an adversary of almost infinite power and genuine malice" that the anime series had been lacking.[71] Ken Hollings of Sight & Sound described Mewtwo as "brooding, articulate and vengeful where the other Pokémon remain bright blobs of wordless energy", and "Like a troubled elder brother, Mewtwo represents an older order of experience."[72] Anime Classics Zettai!: 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces praised the character as the best villain of the Pokémon film series, and one of Mewtwo Strikes Back's strongest elements.[73] The Los Angeles Times cited its behavior as a point of humor in relation to its appearance as a "decidedly feline character."[74]
Mewtwo's image is utilized for merchandise related to the Pokémon franchise, which includes toys, children's toothbrushes,[75] and a playing piece for a Pokémon-themed version of Monopoly.[76] Several action figures have been made, such as a posable figure by Hasbro in 2006 that included accessories to recreate its "Hyper Beam" and "Light Screen" attacks, and a six-inch-tall "talking" figurine by Jakks Pacific as part of a series to commemorate the anime's Battle Frontier story arc.[77] Items marketed for adults featuring Mewtwo have also been sold and distributed by Nintendo, such as T-shirts.[78] The island nation of Niue released a one-dollar coin featuring the character as part of a commemorative promotion for the Pokémon franchise, with Mewtwo on one side and the nation's coat of arms on the other.[79] Mewtwo also appears on the port side of All Nippon Airways's Pocket Monsters Boeing 747 jumbo jet, alongside Mew.[80][81]
편집- ↑ “Voice of Mewtwo”. Behind the Voice Actors. 2015년 4월 15일에 확인함.
- ↑ “Jay Goede”. Behind the Voice Actors. 2014년 11월 14일에 확인함.
- ↑ 가 나 다 “Mewtwo Voice Actors”. Absolute Anime. 2008년 10월 21일에 확인함.
- ↑ Rauzi, Robin (2000년 4월 6일). “Pokemon: The First Movie”. 《The Baltimore Sun》. 2008년 10월 21일에 확인함.
- ↑ Stuart Bishop (2003년 5월 30일). “Game Freak on Pokémon!”. CVG. 2008년 2월 8일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2008년 2월 7일에 확인함.
- ↑ Mewtwo: "Mewtwo...Mewtwo?" / Dr. Fuji: "That's you. We created you from what's said to be the rarest Pokémon on Earth." / Mewtwo: "Mew...Two. I am the 2nd of Mew?" Nintendo (1999-09-13). Sound Picture Box: Mewtwo's Origin: Myutsuu No Tanjou: Pocket-Monster Radio Drama (in Japanese). Catalog# ZMCP-596.
- ↑ Masakazu, Kubo (April 2000). "Pokemon' wa naze Beikoku de Seiko shita ka". Ronza
- ↑ “Pokemon notes from the developers” (일본어). Nintendo. 2009년 6월 6일에 확인함.
- ↑ Nintendo. “Interview with Tsunekazu Ishihara” (일본어). 2009년 6월 7일에 확인함.
- ↑ 가 나 “Super Smash Bros. Melee”. Nintendo. Nintendo. 2001년 12월 3일. 레벨/지역: Mewtwo Trophy #1 description.
A genetically created Pokémon, Mewtwo is the result of many long years of research by a solitary scientist. Although Mewtwo was "cloned" from the genes of the legendary Pokémon Mew, its size and characteristics are far different than its ancestor. Its battle abilities have been radically heightened, making it ruthless.
- ↑ Stack, Peter (1999년 11월 10일). “'Pokémon' Get Stronger, Longer”. 《San Francisco Chronicle》. 2008년 6월 11일에 확인함.
- ↑ 가 나 틀:Pokédex
- ↑ “Super Smash Bros. Melee”. Nintendo. Nintendo. 2001년 12월 3일. 레벨/지역: Mewtwo Trophy #2 description.
As Mewtwo relies mostly on its powerful brain, there are times when it scarcely uses its arms and legs.
- ↑ ポケットモンスター「ミュウツーの逆襲 完全版」 (VHS) (일본어). Japan: メディアファクトリー. December 1999. ASIN B00005HBUW. Mewtwo: "私は自分自身のルールを決めている。" / Misty: "その声!" / Brock: "テレパシー!"
- ↑ “Super Smash Bros. Melee”. Nintendo. Nintendo. 2001년 12월 3일. 레벨/지역: Mewtwo Trophy #3 description.
Mewtwo is definitely not a speedy character, but its ESP-powered grab and throw moves are comparatively strong.
- ↑ Computer: "Mewtwo's life responses have diminished." / Doctor Fuji: "What have you done?!" / Researcher: "Please wait! Mewtwo is..." / Doctor Fuji: "What?" / Computer: "Mewtwo's life responses are back. Mewtwo is regenerating itself now." Nintendo (1999-09-13). Sound Picture Box: Mewtwo's Origin: Myutsuu No Tanjou: Pocket-Monster Radio Drama (in Japanese). Catalog# ZMCP-596.
- ↑ “Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team”. Chunsoft. Nintendo. 2006년 9월 18일. 레벨/지역: Mewtwo encounter.
I long to demonstrate my power to the world!
- ↑ “Pokémon Puzzle League” (vNintendo 64). Nintendo. Nintendo. 2000년 9월 25일. 레벨/지역: Mewtwo encounter.
Welcome... I doubt you have what it takes to defeat me. It is my destiny to crush all who oppose me.
- ↑ 틀:Pokédex
- ↑ Director: Kunihiko Yuyama (1999년 11월 10일). 《Mewtwo Strikes Back》 (Motion picture). OLM, Inc. Mewtwo: "Who am I and why am I here? I just appeared here. I haven't even been born to this world yet. Who am I?"
- ↑ “Pokémon Red”. Game Freak. Nintendo. 1998년 9월 30일. 레벨/지역: Pokémon Mansion, Cinnibar Island.
Feb. 6. MEW gave birth. We named the newborn MEWTWO.
- ↑ Rich, Jason (1999). 《Pokémon: Pathways to Adventure》. Sybex. 101쪽. ISBN 0-7821-2503-4.
- ↑ Nintendo staff (2004). 《Pokémon Leafgreen Version, Firered Version the Official Nintendo Player's Guide》. Nintendo. ISBN 1-930206-50-X.
- ↑ “The Legend of Mewtwo Continues”. The Pokémon Company International. 2012년 3월 11일에 확인함.
- ↑ “Mega Pokémon”. Pokemonxy.com. 2013년 8월 9일에 확인함.
- ↑ “メガミュウツー|『ポケットモンスター X』『ポケットモンスター Y』公式サイト”. Pokemon.co.jp. 2013년 8월 9일에 확인함.
- ↑ Barton, Jeff (2000). 《Pokémon Stadium: Prima's Official Strategy Guide》. Prima Games. 73쪽. ISBN 0-7615-2278-6.
- ↑ 極めれば達人になれるニャー! (일본어). Nintendo. 2009년 6월 6일에 확인함.
- ↑ “Pokémon Puzzle League”. Nintendo 64. Nintendo Software Technology/Intelligent Systems. Nintendo. 2000년 9월 25일. 레벨/지역: Mewtwo stage.
Mewtwo: Welcome, Puzzle champion. I am the Puzzle Master. I doubt you have what it takes to defeat me. It is my destiny to crush all who oppose me.
- ↑ 가 나 Staff. “Mewtwo Biography”. 《IGN》. IGN Entertainment. 2009년 9월 26일에 확인함.
- ↑ Staff (2006). 《Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, Red Rescue Team : The Official Nintendo Player's Guide》. Redmond, Washington: Nintendo of America. ISBN 1-59812-010-7.
- ↑ Staff (August 1999). “Pokémon Snap”. 《Tips & Tricks》 (54): 24.
- ↑ Hooton, Christopher (2014년 10월 24일). “Super Smash Bros Wii U gets Mewtwo and 53 other new details”. 《The Independent》. 2014년 10월 27일에 확인함.
- ↑ pokemon (2015년 11월 3일). “Shadow Mewtwo Revealed in Pokkén Tournament!” – YouTube 경유.
- ↑ “Three new Pokemon confirmed for Pokken Tournament”.
- ↑ 가 나 ポケットモンスター「ミュウツーの逆襲 完全版」 (VHS) (일본어). Japan: メディアファクトリー. December 1999. ASIN B00005HBUW.
- ↑ Tobin, Joseph Jay (2004). 《Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon》. Duke University Press. 39쪽. ISBN 0-8223-3287-6.
- ↑ 가 나 Yuyama, Kunihiko (Directors) (December 2001). 《Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns》 (DVD). North America: Warner Home Video. ASIN B00005OW0I.
- ↑ Nintendo (1999-09-13). Sound Picture Box: Mewtwo's Origin: Myutsuu No Tanjou: Pocket-Monster Radio Drama (in Japanese). Catalog# ZMCP-596.
- ↑ Nintendo. (2006) Pokémon Live!. Act 2, Scene 5.
- ↑ 《Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew》 (DVD). Extras, Pokémon: The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon: Viz Video. 2006년 9월 19일. ASIN B000GLL1C4
- ↑ ポケモン映画最新作『神速のゲノセクト ミュウツー覚醒』へと続くオリジナルストーリーが、テレビで放送決定!. 《Pokémon》 (일본어). The Pokémon Company. 2013년 6월 15일. 2013년 6월 18일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2014년 9월 18일에 확인함.
- ↑ “Tune in for Pokémon Origins on Pokémon TV!”. pokemon.com. 2013년 9월 25일. 2013년 10월 10일에 확인함.
- ↑ West, Tracy (1999). 《Mewtwo Strikes Back》. Scholastic Corporation. ISBN 0-439-13741-1.
- ↑ 《Golden Books' Mewtwo Strikes Back》. Little Golden Books. 1999. ISBN 0-307-30403-5.
- ↑ Howie, Betsy (2002). 《Mewtwo Returns》. Scholastic Corporation. ISBN 0-439-38564-4.
- ↑ Wada, Junko (December 1999). 《I'm Not Pikachu!: Pokémon Tales Movie Special》. Viz Media. ISBN 1-56931-422-5.
- ↑ Toda, Akihito (May 2001). 《Pokémon Tales # 17: Mewtwo's Watching You!》. Viz Media. ISBN 1-56931-533-7.
- ↑ Kusaka, Hidenori; Mato (1998). 〈Chapter 34〉. ポケットモンスタースペシャル 3 (일본어). Shogakukan. ISBN 4-09-149333-5.
- ↑ Kusaka, Hidenori; Yamamoto, Satoshi (2007). 〈Chapter 284〉. ポケットモンスタースペシャル 24 (일본어). Shogakukan. ISBN 978-4-09-140318-6.
- ↑ 가 나 “Animerica Interview Toshihiro Ono”. VIZ Media. 2000년 5월 10일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 8월 5일에 확인함.
- ↑ 가 나 Ono, Toshihiro (July 1998). “Dengeki Pikachuu: Myutsuu no Gyakushuu!”. 《CoroCoro Comic》 (일본어) 15 (7): 150–202.
- ↑ Staff. “Pokémon Blue and Red Guide: #150 Mewtwo”. 《IGN》. IGN Entertainment. 2008년 6월 11일에 확인함.
- ↑ Loe, Casey (1999). 《Pokemon Perfect Guide Includes Red-Yellow-Blue》. Versus Books. 67쪽. ISBN 1-930206-15-1.
- ↑ Churnin, Nancy (1999년 4월 3일). “Pokémon power - Cartoon and video game from Japan evolve into a hot new toy for U.S. kids”. 《The Dallas Morning News》. 1C면.
- ↑ Loe, Casey (1999). 《Pokémon Perfect Guide Includes Red-Yellow-Blue》. Versus Books. 136–137쪽. ISBN 1-930206-15-1.
- ↑ Staff. “Pokémon Blue and Red Guide: #115 Parasect”. 《IGN》. IGN Entertainment. 2008년 6월 11일에 확인함.
- ↑ Staff. “Pokémon Blue and Red Guide: #150 Mewtwo”. 《IGN》. IGN Entertainment. 2009년 1월 31일에 확인함.
- ↑ 가 나 Hjorth, Larissa; David Surman (2009). 〈9〉. 《Gaming Cultures and Place in Asia-Pacific》 (PDF). Taylor and Francis. ISBN 0-415-99627-9. 2010년 6월 20일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2009년 6월 6일에 확인함.
- ↑ Pirrello, Phil; Richard George (2008년 2월 8일). “Smash Bros. Wish-List: All Nintendo Edition”. 《IGN》. IGN Entertainment. 2008년 6월 11일에 확인함.
- ↑ “Do You Miss Mewtwo?”. 《IGN》. IGN Entertainment. 2008년 6월 11일에 확인함.
- ↑ Calvert, Darren (2014년 4월 11일). “Ninterview: Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman on Mastering Super Smash Bros.”. 《nintendolife》. 2015년 1월 25일에 확인함.
- ↑ West, Tracey; Noll, Katherine (2007). 《Pokémon Top 10 Handbook》. 37, 77쪽. ISBN 978-0-545-00161-8. 2011년 4월 30일에 확인함.
- ↑ Tobin, Joseph Jay (2004). 《Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon》. Duke University Press. 180, 283쪽. ISBN 0-8223-3287-6.
- ↑ Götz, Maya; Dafna Lemish; International Communication Association Conference; Amy Aidman; Hyesung Moon (2005). 《Media and the Make-believe Worlds of Children: When Harry Potter Meets Pokémon in Disneyland》. Routledge. 105쪽. ISBN 0-8058-5191-7.
- ↑ 가 나 Klein, Andy (1999년 12월 2일). “Hokeymon”. 《Phoenix New Times》. 2009년 8월 3일에 확인함.
- ↑ Churnin, Nancy (2003년 10월 29일). “They're alive! - Monsters, Pinocchio, robots - we keep trying to bring creatures to life”. 《The Dallas Morning News》. 1E면.
- ↑ Tobin, Joseph Jay (2004). 《Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon》. Duke University Press. 126쪽. ISBN 0-8223-3287-6.
- ↑ Churnin, Nancy (2000년 7월 21일). “Pokemon Peters Out”. 《The Dallas Morning News》. 2009년 8월 3일에 확인함.
- ↑ Sinnot, Siobhan (2000년 4월 14일). “Poke in the Eye”. 《Daily Record》.
- ↑ Staff (August 2000). “Mewtwo Strikes Back”. 《Animerica》 (Viz Media) (93).
- ↑ Hollings, Ken (June 2000). “Mewtwo Strikes Back”. 《Sight & Sound》. 2009년 9월 26일에 확인함.
- ↑ Camp, Brian; Julie Davis (May 2007). 《Anime Classics Zettai!: 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces》. Stone Bridge Press. 283쪽. ISBN 978-1-933330-22-8.
- ↑ Razui, Robin (1999년 11월 10일). “Movie Review; All's Not Right in Pokemon World”. 《Los Angeles Times》. 2009년 8월 3일에 확인함.
- ↑ “You'll want to try them all..”. 《British Dental Journal》 190 (3): 158. 2001년 2월 10일. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4800911. 2009년 8월 3일에 확인함.
- ↑ Chen, Charlotte (December 1999). “Pokémon Report”. 《Tips & Tricks》 (Larry Flynt Publications): 111.
- ↑ “Pokémon Battle Frontier Action Figures Deluxe Electronic Series 2: Mewtwo”. CmdStore. 2008년 9월 28일에 확인함.
- ↑ Staff (August 2008). “Ultra geek”. 《GameAxis Unwired》 (59): 83. ISSN 0219-872X.
- ↑ Krause, Chester L.; Clifford Mishler; Colin R Bruce II (2003). 《2004 Standard Catalog of World Coins: 1901-present》. Krause Publications. 1537–1539쪽. ISBN 0-87349-593-4.
- ↑ Spicer, Stuart (2001). 《Dream Schemes II: Exotic Airliner Art》. Zenith Imprint. 21쪽. ISBN 0-7603-1196-X.
- ↑ Staff. “Design” (일본어). All Nippon Airways. 2009년 5월 13일에 확인함.
외부 링크
편집- Mewtwo's entry at Bulbapedia
- Mewtwo Museum, a gallery of merchandise related to the character.
- 틀:IMDb character