This illustration was created by 'photolar10' and was released under the "CC-BY-SA-3.0" license.
You may reuse and distribute this illustration ONLY IF you comply with all the terms of the "License", your kind support is essential to me. You are required to credit me ("photolar10") as the author and show the "License" ("CC-BY-SA-3.0") clearly in the immediate vicinity of the photo and release derivative works (which may include your entire works) with the same "License". All rights not expressly granted by "License" are reserved. If you have any doubt regarding the "License" of this illustration, please ask me for clarification before reusing.
Original version of this image (3000 x 2000 pixel including EXIF data) and less restrictive terms are available upon request, in case you cannot comply with the above "License".
You may contact me at (photolar10 "AT" gmail "dot" com) or at my talk page. Please find more photographs in my personal gallery.