비름아과(--亞科, 학명: Amaranthoideae 아마란토이데아이[*])는 비름과아과이다.[1][2]

줄맨드라미(Amaranthus caudatus)
줄맨드라미(Amaranthus caudatus)
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
목: 석죽목
과: 비름과
아과: 비름아과
Burnett, 1835
비름속(Amaranthus L.)
[출처 필요]

하위 분류

  • 맨드라미속(Celosia L.)
  • 비름속(Amaranthus L.)
  • 쇠무릎속(Achyranthes L.)
  • Achyropsis (Moq.) Hook.f.
  • Aerva Forssk.
  • Allmania R.Br. ex Wight
  • Allmaniopsis Suess.
  • Arthraerua (Kuntze) Schinz
  • Bosea L.
  • Calicorema Hook.f.
  • Centema Hook.f.
  • Centemopsis Schinz
  • Centrostachys Wall.
  • Chamissoa Kunth
  • Charpentiera Gaudich.
  • Chionothrix Hook.f.
  • Cyathula Blume
  • Cyphocarpa Lopr.
  • Dasysphaera Volkens ex Gilg
  • Deeringia R.Br.
  • Digera Forssk.
  • Eriostylos C.C.Towns.
  • Henonia Moq.
  • Herbstia Sohmer
  • Hermbstaedtia Rchb.
  • Indobanalia A.N.Henry & B.Roy
  • Kelita A.R.Bean
  • Lagrezia Moq.
  • Lecosia Pedersen
  • Leucosphaera Gilg
  • Lopriorea Schinz
  • Marcelliopsis Schinz
  • Mechowia Schinz
  • Nelsia Schinz
  • Neocentema Schinz
  • Nothosaerva Wight
  • Nototrichium Hillebr.
  • Nyssanthes R.Br.
  • Omegandra G.J.Leach & C.C.Towns.
  • Pandiaka Benth. & Hook.f.
  • Pleuropetalum Hook.f.
  • Pleuropterantha Franch.
  • Polyrhabda C.C.Towns.
  • Psilotrichopsis C.C.Towns.
  • Psilotrichum Blume
  • Ptilotus R.Br.
  • Pupalia Juss.
  • Rosifax C.C.Towns.
  • Saltia R.Br. ex Moq.
  • Sericocoma Fenzl
  • Sericocomopsis Schinz
  • Sericorema Lopr.
  • Sericostachys Gilg & Lopr.
  • Siamosia K.Larsen & T.Myndel Pedersen
  • Stilbanthus Hook.f.
  • Trichinium R.Br.
  • Trichuriella Bennet
  • Volkensinia Schinz
  • Wadithamnus T.Hammer & R.W.Davis


  1. Burnett, Gilbert Thomas. Outlines of Botany 591, 593, 1091, 1142. 1835.
  2. Kai Müller & Thomas Borsch (2005): Phylogenetics of Amaranthaceae using matK/trnK sequence data – evidence from parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian approaches, In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 92, p. 66-102.